Former GB
- Bachelor Degree & Master Degree
- Lloyd Barry - Unknown College in New Zealand
Lloyd Barry was a graduate of the University of Otago, in Dunedin.
i just wonder what universities they would have gone to?
if possible, former members and current ones separately.... .
Former GB
- Bachelor Degree & Master Degree
- Lloyd Barry - Unknown College in New Zealand
Lloyd Barry was a graduate of the University of Otago, in Dunedin.
i just completed writing a series of 8 blog posts dismantling the watchtower's blood policies.. it was my goal to prove that the blood ban is neither scriptural nor sensible.
this is a rewrite of the series of articles i contributed some years ago to the now defunct jehovahswitnessblog site of james peyton (you may also know james as the founder of jwpodcast.
) even though this is a very serious topic, i tried to stay true to the humorous mood "tenny pajamas" always managed to maintain on his site.
in 1924, judge rutherford published an article which referred to the great pyramid as "the scientific bible" and added that measurements on the grand gallery inside the great pyramid confirmed the dates 1874, 1914 and 1925.. 1925 was the famous blowout date for the return of "ancient worthies" about which the judge said, "i made an ass of myself.".
just four years later, rutherford did one of his famous about-face reversals.. whereas previously the watchtower had taught that the great pyramid was probably built by melchizedek, or shem;*.
rutherford now said the great pyramid was constructed "under the direction of satan the devil.
Hard now to credit that "Pyramidology" was once considered a science. (Not for long, though!)
if watchtower has no reason to df ones.
they have just become inactive.
do you all think wt will begin a witch hunt (df'ing) for these inactive ones?
It has happened before.
For a number of years during the mid-1980s, they did mount a concerted campaign to contact both those who had become "Inactive" and also those who had even "Studied" with the JWs. These efforts did appear to pay off, if the statistics in the yearbook are to be believed - i.e. during that time, the increase per year of "publishers" actually exceeded the number of those baptised.
i regular pioneered for 2 years and never have actually converted anyone through the door to door work, in fact, i only knew a few individuals that joined this way.
most were born-in or at least had some type of family influence.
i had several bible studies but they all got cold feet when things got serious and potential baptism was discussed.
A lot of empty homes, coffee breaks and people uninterested in what we had to say.
A carbon-copy of my experience, too!
fourty years ago nasa sent two probes that were to go on a mission ,voyager 1 and voyager 2 in two trajectories through our solar system getting what information they could from the planets they passed close by.. 40 years later they surpassed all expectations and are still sending signals back to earth.. voyager 1 has actually gone into what is termed interstellar space that is it has exited our solar system free from the constraints of our own sun having travelled some 13 billion miles from earth.
voyager 2 which was on a different trajectory will soon itself leave our solar system and go into interstella space having travelled some 11 billion miles from earth so far.. both of these satellites/probes carry messages from the world of humans / governments to whoever might find it (alien life forms ) if they exist and find these probes.. my attention is drawn to the bible account of the tower of babel which really couldn`t have been that high seriously.and yet jehovah god felt threatened by what man could achieve if they had one universal language ?.
what must he be thinking now i wonder ?.
Hang on he did act before the Tower of Babel was completed did he not ?
Dead right! That's very obviously why it didn't get as far out as Voyagers 1 and 2.
(Just joking!!!!!!)
a fair bit of time was spent discussing the (one) scripture in the bible that "proves" that when the bible touches on scientific subjects, it is absolutely correct.
this was at the most recent clam meeting this past week.
from isaiah, the reference to the "circle" of the earth.
Until into the 20th Century, the more fundamentalist elements amongst South Africa's Afrikaner population believed Isaiah 40:22 "proved" the earth is flat.
After all, every bloody fool knows that a circle is flat!
Chad Morgan!!!!
Don't forget Geoffrey Jackson!
i've been trying to get my hands on this book and read a review that i thought was interesting.
an anonymous person reviewed the book on barnes and noble and said .
"jonsson book deals with babylonian tablets.
The problem here is that Carl Jonsson don't know Akkadian. Also, some of these tablets that he refer to has problems
To put things very mildly, this reviewer casts grave doubts on his own abilities, before picking apart anything Carl Johnsson may have said!